​​                                                             Dear BIKO members 


I hope everyone is keeping safe and you are all well 

To keep you all up to date there has been a few changes within BIKO, firstly we have a new Chairman which is myself. Most of you will know me as the Chief Referee of England and Great Britain.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Chairman Ken Henville for all his hard work for BIKO over the last several years and I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing him well for the future.

A zoom BIKO board member meeting took place on Sunday 8th November where I was appointed chairman, we have lots of changes planned for BIKO and are keen to move us forward especially in these difficult times we all find ourselves in.

We appreciate that the guidance on Covid–19 keeps changing so if any club instructor needs any assistance in relation to risk assessments etc please contact our Admin officer, Vice Chairman or myself and we will be happy to help you. We will also be starting to send out regular updates as things change to try and help everyone.

We will soon start to host various Zoom activities, this will include Referees Courses, Squad kumite Courses, Kata courses and a online Kata Competition, these will be all free of charge as our way of thanking you for remaining a BIKO member and to help keep you involved until we are able to get back to a more normal way of training again. 

So watch out for the details of all of these on the Website, Facebook and by email, we’d love to get you all involved as we are doing this for you.


Dale Gamble (Chairman)

British Institute


Karate Organisation