Machi Endo Karate Club
George Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 1AX
Instructor Dale Gamble 6th Dan
Email. Tel.07976271771
Cambridge Temple karate Club
Hills road Sports & tennis Club, Purbeck rd., Cambridge CB2 8PF
Instructor Ken Henville 6th Dan
Northampton Wado Ryu Karate Club
- Mondays 7pm to 8.30pm at Briar Hill Community Centre, Northampton NN4 8SX
- Fridays 7to 8.30pm at Rectory Farm Community Centre, Northampton NN3 5DD
Instructor Brian Noble 6th Dan
Wellingborough Kempo Karate Club
Wrenn School Gymnasium.
London Rd, Wellingborough.
Northants, NN8 2DQ
- Tuesday: 7pm to 9pm
- Thursday: 7pm to 9pm
Instructor: Michael (Mick) Bazylewycz 6th Dan.
Email: Tel: 07764 164950
Club Secretary: Des Watson 2nd Dan
Email: Tel: 078177 67923
Beckenham Renshin-kai-Karate-DO
Beckenham Spa, 45 High Street, BR3 1AW.
Beckenham Road,
- Monday: 7pm to 9pm
- Thursdays: 7pm to 9pm
Instructor: Lloyd Williams 7th Dan
Natalie Williams 4th Dan
Matthew Bishop 2nd Dan